Creating a convenient and well-structured Material Database will bring big added value to those who work in material laboratories and test departments. It will Ensure Traceability and Optimize the Reuse of Data, as well as Make Significant Improvements on the Cooperation Between Different Departments.
Step 1: Create basic Material Database
With the basic material database module of TEEXMA, engineers are able to record the Characterizations of a material. This step is to structure and secure the materail data and make an index for searching.
Step 2: Create the information flow of material data
Once the static material database has been created, TEEXMA will be able to compare, analyze and validate the data between different material. Meanwhile, Material data will be shared and communicated among multi-departments following the specific workflow.
Step 3: Leverage the material database and capitalize your know how
A lot of knowledge and lessons learned will be created after the data sharing. These know how will be capitalized in the system and the enterprise will be able to dig deeper in these data to make everyone benefit from it.
Why TEEXMA Material Database Software?
To achieve all these steps, compared with other traditional materials software, TEEXMA® Material Database can connect all the users between your various department. Basically the main advantages that the users can get are:
Mature functions to store, search, compare, analyze and proceed material data
Structure and Capitalize all material informations
Optimize the usage of all the data related to the calculations and simulations
Create the data flow amoung all the technical departments
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