BASSETTI team building is one of the traditional activities BASSETTI has in order to motivate and entertain the employees. It was a great opportunity to not only work with an international team, but also to have fun. By working with BASSETTI, we can ensure that each employee have a balance between work and life, guide and support them to overcome work challenges and enjoying their work are the most important guidelines BASSETTI’s managers.
So, what is it about this time?
Yes! It’s the Archery tag!
Have you heard of it?
It is a combination of Paintball, Archery, and a little bit of Dodgeball.
"it was strategic and fun"
"I never played this game before, this is beyond my expectations"
Everyone loved it! It was fun, strategic, and everyone supported each other,
making a great teamwork!
Follow our official Wechat account for more information!